Is betting legal in Brazil? Understand the sector's regulations

Whether you're a Brazilian or a foreigner, you've probably asked yourself the following question: "Is betting legal in Brazil?” In fact, if you work in the sector, it's essential to understand this market well and keep up to date with the latest news. Thanks to technological advances and new legislation, the Brazilian market is currently undergoing change and growth.


The history of betting in Brazil

Historically, Brazil has had a complex relationship with betting. Gambling, such as the popular "Jogo do Bicho" (betting based on animals’ numbers), are part of the local culture, fuelling debates about their legality. Despite being outlawed under the Criminal Offences Act since 1941, it is still widely practiced, defying the authorities' efforts to stamp it out.

But is betting legal in Brazil? The short answer is "it depends". To better understand the scenario, analyzing the evolution of lotteries is a good place to start.

Government initiatives

The first official lottery was launched in 1784 by the colonial government in Vila Rica (now Ouro Preto, in the state of Minas Gerais). Over time, lotteries were regulated, especially after the creation of the Caixa Econômica da Corte in 1861, which began to manage the official draws. In fact, the institution now known as the Caixa Econômica Federal is still responsible for the activity in Brazil today.

Prohibition of gambling

Casinos were at the height of their popularity in the 1930s and 1940s, attracting tourists and celebrities to luxurious establishments such as the Urca Casino in Rio de Janeiro. However, in 1946, President Eurico Gaspar Dutra banned gambling, including casinos, and the market went underground. 

The ban shaped Brazilian gambling culture — and to this day sparks debate about the regulation and legalisation of gambling in the country.


Current scenario: legalisation of sports betting

The enactment of Law No. 13,756/18 was a milestone in the legalisation of betting. It authorised the operation of fixed-odds sports betting and paved the way for the formal regulation of the sector, which was necessary given the growth of online betting.

As a result, new regulations for sports betting came into force in July 2023, establishing a more robust legal framework. This legislation aims to ensure a safe and transparent environment while combating result manipulation and illegal site activities.

Throughout 2024, betting platforms had to adapt to the new rules, which included paying taxes and obtaining special operating licences. From 1 January 2025, new obligations will come into force, such as the use of a single domain for all government-licensed sites: "".


The revolution in payment methods

This evolution of the sector is also marked by innovation in payment methods. In fact, this progress is particularly important given the ban on post-paid means of payment and/or those that prevent the origin of funds from being identified.


According to the government, the aim is to reduce the risk of players getting into debt. As a result, online betting platforms will only be able to accept payments via debit and prepaid cards, TED and the Brazilian favourite, Pix, which will always be linked to an account registered in the player's name.


Outlook for the future

In 2023, Brazilians spent over R$50 billion on online gambling, surpassing the country's beef exports. With a growth forecast of over 200%, Brazil has the potential to match Mexico in gambling revenue by the end of this decade, according to Statista. 


Today, new regulations and innovations in payment methods are allowing the market to position itself for sustainable growth. The legality of betting, combined with safe practices, promises to build a more prosperous market, benefiting both players and the national economy. 

Bazk's payment solutions are at the forefront of this transformation, enabling safe and efficient transactions. In fact, Topázio Powered by Bazk is the perfect example, a solution entirely designed to guarantee the effectiveness and sustainability of your betting operations in Brazil.